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Student Success

At StudyEnglish.Online your success is our mission. We offer student support staff and our exclusive online community.



Our staff has real-world experience. You'll have specially trained instructors that are adept in helping you develop your skills and enhancing your academic success.



We take pride in offering one of the lowest tuition rates with no surprises.



Classroom course learning materials designed for online self-study, for starters to advanced English learners. Work at your own pace in the privacy of your home or office.

About StudyEnglish.Online

Classroom course learning materials designed as online self-study, for starter to advanced English learners. Work at your own convenience in the privacy of your home or office.

The Process

The Process Includes audio exercises to improve listening skills. Grammatical presentations, examples, and exercises. Reading stories and articles to increase comprehension. Exercises and unit quizzes use multiple formats such as; fill the blank, true or false, sort order, statement and event order, and multiple-choice with retakes. Scoring is instant with progress tracking. Critical writing assignments are reviewed by native English-speaking instructors. Writing assignments with corrections and feedback are returned for student review.

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