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This English course will help English learners who can understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in his/her field of specialisation. Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party. Can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.

This course has been revised to reflect the most recent approaches to language teaching and learning. It remains an innovative series teachers and students have grown to love, while incorporating suggestions from teachers and students all over the world. This elementary level online course offers updated content in every unit, grammar practice, and opportunities to develop speaking and listening skills. It features contemporary topics and a strong focus on both accuracy and fluency. Its successful multi-skills syllabus integrates themes, grammar, functions, vocabulary, and pronunciation. The underlying philosophy of the course remains that language is best learned when it’s used for meaningful communication.

Course Curriculum

English 3 (Low Intermediate) CEFR B2-
Conversation: I like guys who … 00:05:00
Relative pronouns 00:10:00
Personalities 00:18:00
Listening: What are they like? 00:08:00
Perspectives Quiz: 00:10:00
Linked sounds 00:00:00
It clauses + adverbial clauses with when 00:15:00
Reading: To Friend or Unfriend? 00:15:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 1: A 00:12:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 1: B 00:20:00
Career Debate 00:00:00
Gerund phrases: Part 1 00:10:00
Suffixes 00:08:00
Conversation: You get a great tan! 00:03:00
Comparisons 00:08:00
Stress with compound nouns 00:10:00
Listening: Summer Jobs 00:10:00
Reading: Help! How can I find a job? 00:12:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 2: A 00:12:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 2: B 00:12:00
Could you do me a favor? 00:12:00
Request with modals, if clauses, and gerunds: Part 1 00:12:00
Request with modals, if clauses, and gerunds: Part 2 00:12:00
Pronunciation: Unreleased Consonants 00:08:00
Listening: Favors 00:12:00
Collocations 00:12:00
Could you tell Jeff…? 00:08:00
Indirect requests 00:10:00
Reading: Yes or No? 00:18:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 3: A 00:09:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 3: B 00:15:00
Surprise Endings 00:12:00
Past continuous vs. Simple past 00:25:00
Pronunciation: Intonation in Complex Sentences 00:00:00
Listening: In the news 00:20:00
Writing: A new story 00:08:00
Conversation: What happened? 00:10:00
Past perfect: Part 1 00:18:00
Past perfect: Part 2 00:16:00
Events 00:15:00
Reading: The changing world of blogging 00:12:00
Listening: What comes first? 00:15:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 4: A 00:25:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 4: B 00:15:00
Culture Shock 00:12:00
Noun phrases containing relative clauses 00:08:00
Pronunciation: Word stress in sentences 00:00:00
Conversation: What’s the custom? 00:08:00
Expectations 00:10:00
Listening: Unique Customs 00:15:00
Reading: Culture Shock 00:18:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 5: A 00:15:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 5: B 00:15:00
Some Common Complaints 00:08:00
Describing problems 1 00:15:00
Listening: Fair exchange? 00:18:00
Conversation: It keeps burning! 00:08:00
Describing problems 2 00:10:00
Electronics 00:15:00
Pronunciation: Contrastive stress 00:08:00
Reading: The Value of Upcycling 00:10:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 6: A 00:15:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 6: B: A 00:18:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 6: B: B 00:18:00
Clean Up Our City! 00:08:00
Passive with prepositions 00:12:00
Pronunciation: Reduction of auxiliary verbs 00:10:00
World Problems 00:00:00
Conversation: What can we do? 00:04:00
Infinitive clauses and phrases 00:12:00
Reading: Saving a Coral Reef 00:10:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 7: A 00:20:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 7: B: A 00:12:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 7: B: B 00:12:00
Pronunciation: Intonation in questions of choice 00:10:00
Would rather and Would prefer 00:15:00
Listening: Just for Fun 00:12:00
Conversation: Maybe I should try that! 00:20:00
By + gerund to describe how to do things 00:18:00
Personal Qualities 00:10:00
Reading: Learning Styles 00:12:00
I could just kick myself 00:15:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 8: A 00:15:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 8: B 00:15:00
Improvements 00:07:00
Get or have something done 00:10:00
Pronunciation: Sentence Stress 00:10:00
Three-word Phrasal Verbs 00:18:00
Conversation: I have two left feet! 00:10:00
Making Suggestions 00:15:00
Listening: All you have to do is … 00:08:00
Reading: Critical Thinking 00:15:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 9: A 00:15:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 9: B 00:18:00
Conversation: I’m good at History. 00:10:00
Referring to time in the past 00:15:00
Pronunciation: Syllable Stress 00:00:00
Historic Events 00:15:00
Perspectives: What will the Future Hold 00:00:00
Predicting the future with will 00:16:00
A Perfect Future 00:16:00
Reading: Tweet to eat: Part 1 00:12:00
Reading: Tweet to eat: Part 2 00:15:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 10: A 00:20:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 10: B 00:20:00
Conversation: I was really immature. 00:08:00
Time Clauses 00:12:00
Behavior & Personality 00:00:00
Perspectives: I should have … 00:00:00
Expressing regret and describing hypothetical situations 00:12:00
Pronunciation: Reduction of have and been 00:00:00
Listening: Regrets 00:18:00
Reading: Milestones Around the World: Part 1 00:15:00
Reading: Milestones Around the World: Part 2 00:08:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 11: A 00:12:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 11: B 00:12:00
The right stuff 00:00:00
Perspectives: What makes a business successful? 00:00:00
Pronunciation: Reduced words 00:00:00
Describing Purpose 00:12:00
Qualities for Success 00:20:00
Conversation: I thought you’d never ask! 00:00:00
Giving Reasons 00:15:00
Listening: Radio Commercials: Part 1 00:15:00
Listening: Radio Commercials: Part 2 00:15:00
Reading: The Wrong Stuff 00:12:00
Listening: Success Story 00:12:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 12: A: A 00:15:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 12: A: B 00:15:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 12: B 00:15:00
Conversation: What happened? 00:12:00
Pronunciation: Reduction in Past Modals 00:00:00
Past modals for degrees of certainty 00:12:00
Listening: Jumping to Conclusions 00:00:00
Perspectives: She’s driving me crazy! 00:12:00
Past modals for judgments and suggestions 00:15:00
Reactions 00:12:00
Listening: What should they have done? 00:12:00
Reading: The Blue Lights of Silver Cliff 00:08:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 13: A 00:15:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 13: B 00:15:00
Conversation: Movies are hard work! 00:10:00
The Passive to Describe Process: Part 1 00:22:00
The passive to describe process: Part 2 00:20:00
Media Professions 00:08:00
Perspectives: Quiz Show 00:00:00
Pronunciation: Review of Stress in Compound Nouns 00:00:00
Defining and non-defining relative clauses 00:08:00
Reading: Hooray for Bollywood! 00:12:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 14: A 00:15:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 14: B 00:15:00
Perspectives: Community Meeting Notes 00:00:00
Giving recommendations and opinions 00:10:00
Listening: What should be done? 00:10:00
Conversation: It isn’t cheap, is it? 00:05:00
Tag Questions for Opinions 00:00:00
Pronunciation: Intonation in Tag Questions 00:00:00
Listening: You agree, don’t you? 00:12:00
Reading: How Serious Is Plagiarism? 00:15:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 15: A 00:15:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 15: B 00:12:00
Challenges and Accomplishments 00:00:00
Perspectives: Volunteers Talk About Their Work 00:00:00
Complex noun phrases containing gerunds 00:15:00
Pronunciation: Stress & Rhythm 00:00:00
Listening: Challenges and rewards 00:12:00
Antonyms 00:12:00
Conversation: I’ve managed to get good grades, but … 00:00:00
Accomplishments & Goals 00:00:00
Listening: Future plans 00:12:00
Reading: Young and Gifted: Part 1 00:10:00
Reading: Young and Gifted: Part 2 00:12:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 16: A 00:15:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 16: B: A 00:12:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 16: B: B 00:12:00
Congratulations 00:00:00

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