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This course is for English learners that can understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. Can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the language is spoken. Can produce simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest. Can describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes & ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.

This course has been revised to reflect the most recent approaches to language teaching and learning. It remains an innovative series teachers and students have grown to love, while incorporating suggestions from teachers and students all over the world. This elementary level online course offers updated content in every unit, grammar practice, and opportunities to develop speaking and listening skills. It features contemporary topics and a strong focus on both accuracy and fluency. Its successful multi-skills syllabus integrates themes, grammar, functions, vocabulary, and pronunciation. The underlying philosophy of the course remains that language is best learned when it’s used for meaningful communication.

Course Curriculum

English 2 Independent User
Where did you learn to skate? 00:02:00
Past Tense 00:15:00
Listening: Life as an Immigrant 00:15:00
Childhood Memories 00:18:00
Pronunciation: Used to 00:10:00
How have you changed? 00:15:00
Used to 00:18:00
Reading: Drew Barrymore 00:08:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 1: A 00:10:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 1: B 00:15:00
Transportation Compound Nouns 00:18:00
Perspectives: Transportation Services 00:10:00
Expressions of quantity 00:10:00
Listening: Singapore solves it. 00:10:00
Conversation: Could you tell me …? 00:05:00
Indirect questions from Wh-questions 00:15:00
Pronunciation: Syllable Stress 00:12:00
Reading: New Ways of Getting Around 00:12:00
Listening: Celebrity Interview 00:08:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 2: A 00:18:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 2: B 00:12:00
Houses and Apartments 00:20:00
Which would you prefer? 00:18:00
Evaluations and comparisons 00:12:00
Pronunciation: Unpronounced vowels 00:10:00
Listening: Capsule Hotels 00:18:00
Conversation: Making Changes 00:04:00
Wish 00:08:00
Reading: Three Bad Habits 00:15:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 3: A 00:15:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 3: B 00:15:00
Conversation: Have you ever …? 00:12:00
Pronunciation: Consonant Clusters 00:15:00
Simple past vs. present perfect 00:18:00
Listening: What are they talking about? 00:06:00
Perspectives: Family Cookbook Part 1 00:18:00
Perspectives: Family Cookbook Part 2 00:20:00
Sequence Adverbs 00:12:00
Listening: Tempting Snacks 00:18:00
Reading: Food & Mood 00:10:00
Listening: I really need a change! 00:05:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 4: A 00:20:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 4: B: A 00:20:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 4: B: B 00:20:00
Conversation: What are you going to do? 00:06:00
Future with be going to and will 00:20:00
Travel Planning 00:18:00
Modals for necessity and suggestion 00:08:00
Pronunciation: Linked sounds with /w/ and /y/ 00:10:00
Listening: Tourist Tips 00:08:00
Reading: Volunteer Travel 00:08:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 5: A 00:20:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 5: B 00:12:00
Conversation: Turn down the TV! 00:08:00
Two-part verbs; will for responding to requests 00:12:00
Pronunciation: Stress in two-part verbs 00:10:00
Household Chores 00:12:00
Listening: Family life 00:08:00
Perspectives: Reasonable requests? 00:08:00
Requests with modals and Would you mind…? 00:08:00
Reading: How to ask for a favor 00:10:00
Listening: Summer Plans 00:08:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 6: A 00:18:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 6: B 00:20:00
Invention of Everyday Objects 00:07:00
Infinitives and gerunds for uses and purposes 00:08:00
Conversation: I give up! 00:03:00
The World of Computers 00:15:00
Imperatives and infinitives for giving suggestions 00:10:00
Listening: Good Suggestions 00:06:00
Reading: Modern-Day Treasure Hunters 00:10:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 7: A 00:15:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 7: B 00:18:00
Collocations 00:08:00
Special Day 00:08:00
Relative clauses of time 00:08:00
Listening: Carnaval Time 00:08:00
Conversation: Wedding Day 00:03:00
Pronunciation: Stress and Rhythm 00:15:00
Adverbial clauses of time 00:08:00
Customs around the world 00:06:00
Listening: Marriage Customs 00:08:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 8: A 00:18:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 8: B 00:10:00
Conversation: That’s progress! 00:02:00
Time Contrasts 00:12:00
Pronunciation: Intonation in statements with time phrases 00:06:00
Perspectives: Take the good with the bad 00:20:00
Conditional sentences with if clauses 00:10:00
Consequences 00:08:00
Reading: Are you in Love? 00:06:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 9: A 00:22:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 9: B 00:20:00
Conversation: I need a job! 00:03:00
Gerunds; short responses 00:10:00
Pronunciation: Unreleased and released /t/ and /d/ 00:00:00
Listening: Job Hunting 00:12:00
Personality Traits: Part 1 00:12:00
Personality Traits: Part 2 00:08:00
Clauses with because 00:10:00
Reading: Find the Job That’s Right for You! 00:10:00
Listening: Good or Bad? 00:10:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 10: A 00:20:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 10: B 00:12:00
The Empire State Building 00:10:00
Passive with by (simple past) 00:12:00
Pronunciation: The letter o 00:12:00
Local Industry 00:05:00
I need some information 00:10:00
Passive without by (simple present) 00:06:00
Listening: Columbia 00:04:00
A Guide to Unusual Museums 00:12:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 11: A 00:12:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 11: B 00:15:00
What Happened? 00:10:00
Past continuous vs. simple past 00:18:00
Listening: Lucky Breaks 00:08:00
Storytelling 00:10:00
Conversation: What have you been doing? 00:06:00
Present perfect continuous 00:15:00
Pronunciation: Contrastive stress in responses 00:05:00
Reading: From the Streets to the Screen 00:10:00
Listening: Facts about Spain 00:14:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 12: A 00:22:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 12: B 00:22:00
Conversation: What’s playing? 00:04:00
Participles as adjectives 00:18:00
Opinions 00:15:00
Listening: How did you like it? 00:08:00
Pronunciation: Emphatic stress 00:10:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 13: A 00:15:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 13: B 00:22:00
Conversation: Have you met Raj? 00:02:00
Feelings & Gestures 00:12:00
Pronunciation: Pitch 00:10:00
Permission, Obligation, and Prohibition 00:15:00
What’s that sign 00:12:00
Listening: What’s in a sign? 00:15:00
Reading: Pearls of Wisdom 00:10:00
Listening: That’s how I feel! Part 1 00:10:00
Listening: That’s how I feel! Part 2 00:08:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 14: A 00:08:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 14: B 00:10:00
Conversation: If I found $750,000… 00:02:00
Unreal conditional sentences with if clauses 00:14:00
Listening: Tough Predicaments 00:10:00
Antonyms 00:10:00
Past modals 00:10:00
Reduction of have 00:10:00
Good Advice 00:15:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 15: A 00:20:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 15: B 00:12:00
Who said it? 00:15:00
Reported speech: Requests 00:15:00
Verb and noun pairs 00:12:00
Conversation: Are you doing anything on Saturday? 00:10:00
Listening: He said, she said 00:10:00
Reported speech: statements 00:12:00
Pronunciation: Reduction of had and would 00:12:00
Lying, the Truth About 00:15:00
Listening: Take a message. 00:12:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 16: A 00:15:00
Grammar Quiz Unit 16: B 00:12:00
Congratulations 00:00:00

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